rom&nd Better Than Cheek N02 Vine Nude Blush


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SKU: 0115 5503 Category:
Brand: rom&nd


Featuring pastel colors inspired by dried fruits, this blush series helps to create a “my cheeks but better” look with natural hues and silky finishes. Formulated with sweat and sebum-absorbing powder for a long-lasting, refreshing finish.

How to use

01. Dispense a moderate amount with a brush.
02. Lightly tap off any excess powder.
03. Gently swipe focusing on the most prominent part of your cheeks.

Doing a patch test before using any new product is recommended.


01. დაიტანეთ ზომიერი რაოდენობა ფუნჯის დახმარებით 02. მსუბუქად ამოიღეთ ზედმეტი ფხვნილი. 03. ფოკუსირებით ნაზად გადაფურცლეთ ლოყების ყველაზე გამოჩენილ ნაწილზე.


Vine Nude


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